The captivating world of hand-craftsmanship dates back thousands of years. From the detailed carving to the design aesthetics, the skilled craftsmen proudly continue the rich legacy that they have inherited from the generations before.

Our team of experienced consultants specialize in recycling unique architectural elements from buildings that are being salvaged. Carefully handled by our skilled artisans and designers, these pieces are used to create functionalized furniture.

We believe there are certain things in history, if not preserved, are left forgotten. Every piece we create has a story behind it. We record and archive those stories starting from the origin of the wood, to the current form and the artisans who worked on it

Niqaab Ahmed (Swat): Niqaab, our master craftsman is 3rd generation artisan. He inherited his father’s business of wood crafting & preservation after he was forced to move out of Swat valley to Islamabad after the local economy collapsed. His father was an archeologist, and a master craftsman who from 1968 till 2003 was a local expert in Swati woodwork and an exporter. Like his father, Niqaab, has a passion for his craft and his biggest dream is to share the history and artistry of his land to people who can truly applicate it.

Shah Masood Ahmed: Originally from Swat, Khawazakhela, followed his father and brother’s foot steps after he was unable to find work in his village decided to work with his brother. He looks after the operations of the reinventing the old for the new.

Adbul Sattar, hails from Peshawar, Pakistan and belongs to a family that has embraced a long tradition of woodcraft and Persian motif décor for more than 200 years. His extraordinary skills have been an asset to the collective for over 15 years.

Hunar Jan, made a daring escape from Mohammed Agency, when in 2003 Taliban infiltrated the tribal region in Northern Pakistan . “It was becoming very hard for me to keep my forefathers’ profession alive when the Taliban came. I could not make a decent living, so I planned an escape to find a better life for my family”. Hunar’s family had been in the woodcraft business and collecting old artifacts for more than 150 years.

Sami Ur Rehman, Fifth generation artisan, Sami belongs to an artisan family in the valley of Swat. Since 2006 he has been working in our artisan collective in Islamabad.

Qari Sahib – Known in the collective as Qari Sahib, he comes from the Upper Indus valley. While he was educated to become an electrical engineer, his passion for wood craft drew him to pursue artisanship. He has been supporting the art of wood craft since 2006.